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development of hydro power converter for very low head differences

Project Components

(1) Technology development: the energy converter are mostly based on a novel principle, the Hydrostatic Pressure Converter. The technology will be developed using theoretical developments, experimental research and numerical optimisation.

(2) Environment: the effects of the new technology on the environment, and here in particular on fish and sediment passage will be monitored throughout the development process in order to generate the optimum solution both from the point of views of efficiency and environmental impact.

(3) Large scale models: in order to move the new technologies closer to application, three large scale models with power outputs of up to 40 kW will be designed, built and monitored.

(4) Knowledge mining: the historic and contemporary literature will be reviewed and analysed in order to establish whether promising solutions have been developed (in the 19th and early 20th Century) before the advent of the petrol engine and widespread electrification mechanical energy sources were of prime importance. Often however good solutions could not be brought into practice due to lack of appropriate materials, electronics etc.

(5) Knowledge base: The available information will be reviewed and presented; original sources will be made available.

(6) Standardisation of testing: the fact that the technologies under development differ in their working mechanisms means that comparable testing procedures and data analysis methods have to be developed. This includes definition of parameters and terms, experimental procedure (e.g. power take-off), scaling and the development of testing programmes employing theoretical models.


FP7-Energy-2007-1-RTD  project number: 212423